Thursday, October 15, 2009

Millie turns two - it's a teddybears picnic!

You may remember the vintage 50's cookie cutters I bought a few months back. Well it's taken me this long to get a dough which worked, and a method for unsticking.

Some of my little army of teddybears for the party on Sunday look like they've been in a terrible factory explosion, but I love them as if they are my own ;-)

Now for the Teddy Bear cake...

do you mind eating food with faces?


Fine Little Day said...

Looks yummie, and nice :)!

JenniS said...

O thanks! It was SO tasty. rich chocolate cake with a hint of coffee...not too much or the kids will go crazy ;-)

Nina said...

hahahaha! I LOVE this bear cake- oh my goodness, he made me smile AND want to eat him.
That is so awesome. That cake would make my YEAR! :)